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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Alumni Vitae Medical LLC guarantees users and visitors the security, privacy, and safety of their data shared on the site. Here is a statement outlining the Alumni Vitae Medical LLC privacy policies applicable to users.



Alumni Vitae Medical LLC shall hold the sole ownership of every data, e.g., text, images, graphics, audio, videos, and other textual or graphical material. Alumni Vitae Medical LLC shall also be the owner of the data posted by users/visitors on the site and shall hold the authority to collect and use the data for website content enhancement and business marketing. Alumni Vitae Medical LLC, in no case, shall sell, rent, share or disclose the data to anyone, i.e., third parties other than its staff, partners, licensors, and sponsors.


User Data

Users' data is defined as any content or information shared by users on the site while accessing the site. We, on the site, may ask users to set up their accounts by filling up the necessary details in the registration form, which may contain their name, email ID, phone number, age, and address. We also allow users to share content on the site in the form of comments and feedback. Alumni Vitae Medical LLC shall be the owner of any form of data shared by visitors on the site. This data helps us serve customers and fulfill their inquiries and orders.



The information about the user is stored in the online server in the form of cookies. We may use these cookies to collect users’ data on our site. The cookies data is about the web browser used to access our site, the web history, and the IP address. The data collected through cookies help us analyze users’ preferences for our graphic design services.

Any information collected through cookies on the site or any other data collected on the site is encrypted and is ensured to be inaccessible to anyone except our staff, executives, sponsors, licensors, or others who assist in due course of our service delivery.


Log files

IP addresses and log files are used solely by us to analyze trends, gather demographic information about our prospects, and administer our site. The log files are in no way linked to users' personal information.


Information Sharing

Alumni Vitae Medical LLC may use users’ data to administer websites and businesses. To administer site and business, users’ data may be shared with executives, staff working at Alumni Vitae Medical LLC, and the partners, allies, licensors, and sponsors working in collaboration with Alumni Vitae Medical LLC. Users’ data may also be used for testing and training purposes.


Third-Party Links

The site may contain different third-party links. Alumni Vitae Medical LLC holds no ownership and authority over these third-party links and shall not be responsible for the business process and content published on these sites. Users’ access to these third-party sites shall be at their own risk. Alumni Vitae Medical LLC, in no event, shall bear no liability for losing your data or harming your devices during your access to these sites. Your access to the third-party sites shall be at your own risk. Users are encouraged to read the privacy statement of the respective third-party links before accessing the sites.


Security & Privacy

Alumni Vitae Medical LLC has taken all possible security measures and precautions to make the site safe and secure. The data users share during their access to the site is started on our server and remains protected and private. Despite the above statement, nothing shall prevent us from sharing users’ data with our partners, allies, licensors, sponsors, staff, and executives for timely and quality service delivery.


Errors & Omissions

Though the site has been designed and developed with utmost precision minimizing every possibility of errors, nothing can be claimed about the accuracy of the content displaying the site. We do not deny that the site content may have errors and omissions. To provide users with accurate information about our business and services, we review the content published on the site and make necessary modifications to the same from time to time.


Change to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change or modify any content published on our website at our discretion. As and when necessary, we will update the above Privacy statement without prior notice.